Housing Development and Management
Within the subject of housing development and management, developments in housing and urban areas are studied from an international perspective. This includes planning, design, production, use and management as well as the relationship between homes and their surroundings, from neighbourhood to city level.
The aim is to understand how the process leads to good quality homes and how sustainable development can be improved, above all for those on low incomes and particularly in developing countries. The subject is interdisciplinary, and research is largely based on field studies using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Examples of current research include:
- the influence of residents and users in reconstruction after natural disasters,
- collaborative living environments for improving energy and resource efficiency, affordability, social integration, health and wellbeing,
- the relationship between urban design and microclimate,
- household energy in relation to people’s lifestyles,
- sustainable urban housing development related to socio-cultural aspects,
- development processes in informal settlements,
- organised self-build as a resource to mobilise resources and community,
- energy use and thermal comfort in buildings.
Housing Development and Management's profile in Lund University's Research Portal
Staff Housing Development and Management

Ivette Arroyo
Associate Senior Lecturer
+46 222 01 18
Ivette Arroyo's profile in Lund University's Research Portal

Erik Johansson
Senior Lecturer
+46 222 42 63, +46 70 373 77 37
Erik Johansson's profile in Lund University's Research Portal