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Architecture and Culture

Our work focuses on architecture seen in its theoretical, cultural and historic contexts. We focus on the effects and consequences of existing built and unbuilt environments.

This includes questions such as:

  • How is the built environment developed and transformed?
  • How do we use and maintain the built environment?
  • How do we understand and contextualise architecture in different (and constantly evolving) ways?
  • How can we understand the different roles that architecture may have in different societies and cultures, and how can we communicate and discuss this in various disciplines and societal contexts?

Architecture and Culture's profile in Lund University's Research Portal


Mattias Kärrholm

Head of Subject

Staff Architecture and Culture

  • Director of First and Second Cycle Studies at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment. 
  • Teaches Theory and History of Architecture. Has previously taught form theory, architecture, urban planning, architectural theory, etc.
  • Thematically interested in aesthetics (especially issues of taste), architectural quality (especially in urban contexts) and history of ideas related to the field of architecture and design.
  • Mats Hultman's Youtube channel about Architecture
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